His philosophy of aesthetics reminds me of a quote that went something like this: “Fashion is what seems beautiful now but looks ugly later; art can be ugly at first but it becomes beautiful later.”
Steve always aspired to make beautiful later.
Skewering our favorite always-wrong-wing dead-enders
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The Montana "friendo" (right) and his leetle sidekick, you-know-who! |
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The "friendo" from Montana hungers for the flesh of an occupier. |
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The zombie cretin reaches for a "happy meal". Mmmm yum! Leftist! |
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The asshat troll in his "natural" state. The asshat troll again, taking a "breather". |
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The asshat troll (hat off) having a screwdriver at happy hour. Yikes! What a headache the next morning. Go easy on the sauce dude. |
I know you’ll neva do it but you could tell ekim where I’ve been in the world for the last three months since you know how to tell where everyone posts from on this blog.Me:
Nope you silly dope I don’t know where “everyone” posts from unless “everyone” (meaning here right wing dopes) is REALLY REALLY STUPID and tells me!Puddydope:
Second you were the one [heroic truthteller]…
26. YLB spews: @23 – Greetings from Torrance perhaps?05/24/2011 at 9:10 pm27. YLB spews: Shit! Pasadena? From a Mac?? Must be hangin’ with the girlfriend eh Marviepoo?05/24/2011 at 9:11 pm
I know how to figger this out and this proves you do too. Now who claimed IP Addresses except you? I neva mentioned IP Addresses in my commentary above.
In both instances I was “told” this moron.
Can you possibly figure out from that shitpile between your ears how the parties involved “told” me this?
Doesn’t seem so..
Oh really? In CYA mode now eh [HA hero]? So it has to be the [greatest conveyance of the truth] since you are the whole [HA hero YLB]! In that thread Marvin never mentioned where he was or the system he was using. So you are saying those posts were another of your [brilliant] postings, still at 100% perfect for slinghing your [magnificent eloquence] on HA!
Absolutely [I am magnificently eloquent].. AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN…
Marvin “TOLD” me where he was posting from!
Search your databaze on May 2011. Where did Marvin tell you he posted from his girlfriends MAC in Torrence or Pasadena in May 2011 since he WAS BANNED? You traded emails?
In your words “PROVE IT”!Me:
Hint: BESIDES commenting at HA????Puddyidiot:
Remember, my original commentary before meeting [one of the ha gods YLB].
Sucks to be [PuddyFOOL]!
All that [eloquent, well reasoned writing] above and the [HA hero YLB] still hasn’t answered the question since Marvin was banned by Goldy long ago.
19. Marvin Stamn spews:
My girlfriend is an elementary school teacher in the hood of pasadena
Coincidence? I believe NOT.
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Click the picture above to see it better. |
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Click on the above to see it better. |
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Click above to see it better. |
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Click on the graphic above to see it better. |
It did not go unnoticed. See the exposure and then attempted cover-up by Puddybud's disastrous sockpuppet "Mike Webb Sucks":149. Puddybud spews:David: Part of my post above was missing. I asked “I see you posted your first answer to me on the Sabbath”. What’s up with that?
7. Mike Webb Sucks spews:
MyLeftFoot@8 The poster who is currently posting as MWS is also identifiable as Puddybuddy. He has identified himself as “Darrell” and shared with us that he is “A Sabbath Keeper”. I’m not sure exactly what he means by this, whether he is some flavor of “Messianic Jew” or Seventh Day Adventist, or even further out in the ozone layer like David Khoresh, but he shares many characteristics of the hard right whackjobs of several religions, Christian, Jewish or Islamic. Fanatics tend to blend into one, whether they are Christian Enthusiasticks, Likudnik Ultra-hawks, or militant Jihadist Shiites. Commentby Tree Frog Farmer— 8/16/06@ 5:50 pm
KillatreeFrog: Since you claim I am Puddy, how can you prove this? My blogging is no where the level of his. Unlike you who uses the same names for your political enemies, you have no proof.
Puddy grew up in that environment and Puddy left that reservation long ago. So you can blather on about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs because when you look at it you are another Pavlov’s little doggies.Now bark to the latest commands of “the messiah”. Sit UBU sit good doggie.and:
55. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:and finally:
Watch soon for clusterfucked cinderblock to make another insipid comment on those pastors against Puddy.
He’s another of Pavlov’s Leetle Doggies.
Remember jerkoff, Puddy is Pavlov and you are the jerkoff AKA Pavlov’s dog! Such a moronic twit of a twat!
You wasted all those unemployed months telling the unemployment office you were looking for a yob while writing BULLSHIT code!Bullshit code??? Hey those are fighting words!
Puddy was the recipient of name calling WAY BEFORE Puddy called people names.Ok forget that Puddybud, in his very first comment, called Goldy a "butt" (which he has flat out denied) and a "HorsesAss", which we'll set aside - after all, Tim Eyman got that from Goldy, right? It's only right Goldy should expect that from Eyman supporters, right?
76. Puddybud spews:
Wow this one is funny. Only in WA. State, do felons vote Republican, while everywhere else they vote >70% DumbocRAPTic?
Good to see Unkl Witz is alive but posting here.
To AllHatAndNoHorse: In Florida 2000, where did all them “spoilt” ballots come from? Dumbocraptic districts run by U people. WHo controls Palm Beach, Broward and Miami Dade? U guys do. Get a life people.
80. AllHatAndNoHorse spews:
In Florida 2000, where did all them “spoilt” ballots come from? Dumbocraptic districts run by U people. WHo controls Palm Beach, Broward and Miami Dade? U guys do. Get a life people.
Comment by Puddybud
Here, then try this.
Pudlick, you are.
96. Puddybud spews:Well there it is. Name-calling in the third comment, two hours and 42 minutes after it was first done to him.
Hey HorsesAsses:
I know you guys were thinking I just spout off unsubstantiated facts. Well you left leaning space cadets lookie here:
Remember: Willie Horton carries a picture of Mike Dukakis in his wallet.
BTW AllHatAndNoHorse: This hetero Pud does lick butt not you bud!
Do you left hemispheric missing Goldy lovers need more info, just respond!!!!!
As always, NUFF SAID!!!!
The name-calling technique links a person, or idea, to a negative symbol. The propagandist who uses this technique hopes that the audience will reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative symbol, instead of looking at the available evidence.
monomania/mɒnəˈmeɪniə/The world "monomoniacal" appears, as of the end of November 2010, in 238 comments. Let's see who's used the word over the years:
▶noun obsessive preoccupation with one thing.
– derivatives
monomaniac noun & adjective,
monomaniacal adjective.
You gotta love when one of your own peeps nailed you as monomaniacal. HAs clueless village knuckle dragging idiot is monomaniacal!One of my own peeps??? Yes, fellow liberal-leaning commenter "Proud To Be An Ass" in the process of reacting to Mr. Cynical's "congratulations" to yours truly for solving one of Lee's Bird's Eye View puzzles, kind of, sort of, hinted that along with being a bit odd and a computer nerd that I was - monomaniacal. It's here. Judge for yourself the gravity of what PTBAA said.
LMBBAO, Oh Yes it is moron… Who called you the monomaniacal one September 2008? A leftist just like you. Spotted your filth from far away.Uh.. Slight correction there Puddybud - it was March 2009. The "m" word was not used once in 9/2008... (and "called" is debatable). And the "filth"? Could that have been solving the Bird's Eye View puzzle?
You see clueless wonder, when you are a higher life form peeps support you. When you are the HA knuckle dragger even your own kind call you monomaniacal.
Keep hope alive monomaniacal clueless wonder, porno king.
That particular thread is worth a read-through in my humble opinion. Not only did I use the database to expose the OCD repetitiveness of Puddybud's "m" word attack but in that same thread I fielded other attacks from some hit-squaders. (Puddybud's use of "we" in that thread is interesting in that regard.) I believe hit-squad activity, at least those attacks directed at me, dropped off markedly after that.
Remember it was one of your kind who called you monomaniacal.
Once and as you’re so fond of reapeating yourself:
mylaptop:~$ b cols “-f=c -c=handle:matches~’*puddybud’,body:matches~’*monomaniacal’ -C”
| count |
| 209 |
1 row in set
Stupid I’d call THAT.