Something for the babbling jackass troll to savor this election cycle.
Pork out Jeb! You're the establishment's choice! |
Go for it Ben. You crave power. Kiss the pork ring and "inspire" SDA youth. |
Ted Cruz, a klownservatic's klownservatic, LOVES THAT PORK SAMMICH! |
We're not done with Ted. Wraps bacon on a gun barrel and EATS IT! |
Pork so "inspired" Carly's offshoring of jobs at HP. |
Lindsey Graham relies on pork to "inspire" him to endless war. |
Pork is the huckster's secret fuel propelling him to his next failed campaign for power. March this chump to the gas oven! |
Did pork influence Gov Kasich's "moral" decision to use the ACA to expand medicaid? We report, you decide! |
Chew on the pork, Gov Goodhair. Might help the memory! |
Yum, yum Marco. This will raise your "value" to the babbling jackass. |
No hot dog for man on dog. Have to settle for a pork burger or sammich. |
Breitbart LOVES the Donald. The babbling jackass takes its orders from Breitbart. |
The Koch bros recommend pork to little low life Scotty Walker. Make the bald spot go away. |
Hope for the babbling jackass troll! Chris Christie, Jim Gilmore, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki and Rand Paul. Those kooky klownservatics to our knowledge did not kiss the pork ring.